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Етнографски институт

Client: Етнографски институт САНУ

Project Type: Вебсајт за институт

Услуге: Саветовање, Управљање пројектима, UX & UI дизајн, Веб развој, Квалитетно осигурање, Одржавање

Етнографски институт

Технолошки партнер

Our Solution:

Срце сваке институције лежи у људима који је представљају. Када смо направили вишејезичну апликацију за Етнографски институт, углавном смо почастили људе и етнолошко-антрополошке студије које они изводе.


We started our collaboration with Taraba in 2019 when we decided to present the work of one of the oldest institutes of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts - the Ethnographic Institute of SASA - to a wide range of digital users following new trends and world standards.


At that time, we tasked Taraba's programmers with designing and implementing our institution's website to be exceptionally user-friendly and functional while also being modern and visually striking. The team of young experts fully met our expectations, and today, our institution can boast a website that meets the highest quality criteria.


The fact that the employees at Taraba are incredibly cooperative, always available for technical support, and ready to propose new ideas and solutions has resulted in us continuing our collaboration with them in the future, much to our great satisfaction.

Dr. Bojana Bogdanović

Dr. Bojana Bogdanović,

Project Manager @ Institute of Ethnography SASA