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Развој софтвера
"Ми се стално развијамо у области технологије. Балансирајући између иновације и поузданости, стварамо решења која издржавају тест времена."
Твоје идеје претварамо у моћне дигиталне производе, нудећи ти комплетну бизнис и техничку подршку током целог процеса.
Trust is the foundation of excellent service. But don’t just take our word for it - read what our satisfied partners say about working with us. Кликните на картицу да бисте прочитали цео текст.
CEO @ Kronologic
Cofounder @ Quadraat
Founder & CEO @ Finology
Founder & CEO @ Cognizium
CEO @ Product District
Project Manager @ Institute of Ethnography SASA
Желимо да поделимо колико смо страствени у раду са новим технологијама и решавањем проблема. Лансирање нових производа на тржиште је наша специјалност. Ево главних услуга које нудимо да бисмо вам помогли да постигнете своје циљеве. Кликните на услугу да видите цео текст.
Поред развоја, нудимо детаљне анализе и стратешко саветовање како бисмо обликовали вашу дигиталну визију и усмерили ваш пројекат у добром правцу.
Почните са чврстим основама. Креирамо прототипе и доказе концепта да бисмо потврдили вашу визију пре потпуног развоја.
Прилагођен вашим конкретним потребама, наш прилагођени развој софтвера испоручује веб апликације и мобилне апликације које се савршено уклапају у ваше циљеве.
Приоритет је корисничко искуство и естетика, обликујемо визуелно привлачне и интуитивне дизајне који побољшавају укљученост.
Преузимамо управљање пројектима, обезбеђујући благовремену испоруку и беспрекорну сарадњу током целокупног развојног пута.
Наше обавезе ка квалитету проширују се после пуштања у рад, са детаљним тестирањем, одржавањем и непоколебивом подршком како би ваши дигитални производи били на свом најбољем.
Континуирано праћење, техничке ажурирања и постојано одржавање.
Спремна за употребу дигитална решења за брже путовање на тржиште. Имамо неколико наших производа.
У Тараби спајамо сарадњу са клијентима са сопственим иновацијама производа. Сваки пројекат, било за клијента или за наш сопствени подухват, је сведочанство наше посвећености и креативности. Истражите избор ових подухвата у наставку, приказујући наше путовање кроз различите изазове и достигнућа.
Значење израза „Тараба“.
Током моје каријере у технологији, био сам запањен униформношћу у технолошкој индустрији јер је била испуњена брендовима који су изгледали неразлучиви. То је у супротности са мојим српским наслеђем, које је богато различитошћу и традицијом. Ово запажање је подстакло моју жељу да створим бренд који спаја модерност са нашим коренима.
Симбол #, свеприсутан у програмирању и друштвеним медијима као хасхтаг, више је од дигиталног конектора. У српском, овај симбол је познат као Тараба - реч која има и дубље, традиционалније значење. Представља стару дрвену ограду на којој су се људи нагињали и ћаскали, уобичајено место за састанке и дружење у прошлим временима. Ова богата симболика инспирисала ме је да створим компанију и назовем је Тараба.
Tарабу сам замислио као место где се сви који деле исте вредности осећају добродошли, без обзира на њихове сличности или разлике.
Добродошли у срце наше организације - наше вође тимова. Неуморно посвећени како свом тиму тако и клијентима, стоје као ваш први контакт у нашем заједничком путовању. Када упловите у њихове домене, очекујте интерактивну и подржавајућу атмосферу, спремну за успех. Хајде да их упознамо!
"Ми се стално развијамо у области технологије. Балансирајући између иновације и поузданости, стварамо решења која издржавају тест времена."
"Дизајн је за нас више од естетике, ради се о стварању искустава. Ми спајамо уметност са функционалношћу, обезбеђујући да она одјекне код корисника."
"За нас су производи симфонија увида, иновација и утицаја. Слушамо, понављамо и испоручујемо решења која остављају траг."
"Осигуравамо поузданост у нашим решењима имплементацијом робусних "QA" процеса, гарантујући да свако решење испуњава високе стандарде."
Пратите Тарабину причу и будите у току са актуелним технолошким дешавањима. Од вести о компанији до корисних технолошких савета, наш блог је ту да вас информише и инспирише.
Taraba joins RNIDS: Elevating Our Commitment to the Serbian Digital Community
Discover how Taraba's membership in the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS) strengthens our commitment to advancing Serbia's digital community.
Taraba Participates in Business Networking Event in Čačak
Taraba recently participated in a business networking event in western Serbia. Our CEO delivered a lecture on digital product development. The event fostered new connections and led to a consulting ag ...
Fonboarding 2023: Welcoming the Next Generation of Talent to Our Company
From October 9th to 10th, the Faculty of Organizational Sciences brought together prominent national and regional companies for the significant corporate event, FONBOARDING.
Engaging with Serbia's Brightest: A Day at the Mathematical Grammar School
An enriching visit to Belgrade’s Mathematical Grammar School, where our CEO shared IT insights, discussed career and entrepreneurship, and fostered connections with the next generation of tech enthusi ...
Oakly Team has been nominated for HackerNoon's 2023 Startup Of The Year!
Oakly has been nominated for HackerNoon's 2023 Startup Of The Year! Join us in celebrating this exciting news, and vote for us!
Striving for simplicity @ ITkonekt 2023 conference
Read about Milomir's review of IT Konekt 2023, where he talks about striving for simplicity in the tech industry and the importance of user needs. Hadi Hariri's talk left a lasting impact on Milomir, ...
In Taraba, we are all in love with modern technologies, but we also appreciate some traditional business values that are often forgotten nowadays. We like to take on different challenges, so we have grown from a standard IT company to a product development company.
We prioritize people and their growth. Our team is very diverse, people come to Taraba mainly because of the good atmosphere, the exciting challenges we solve, and the opportunity to grow with us.
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Software Company of the Year 2022/23
Кренимо заједно на путовање кроз дигиталну трансформацију. Поделите детаље о вашем пројекту и ми ћемо вам се убрзо јавити.
"Speaking as the CEO of Kronologic, I had the pleasure of working with the Taraba QA team.
As any tech start-up would, we faced challenges delivering high-quality tech quickly. In our search for a long-term partner that shared our vision and tolerance for product perfection, the Taraba team emerged as an ideal choice. I am particularly impressed by their technical proficiency, adaptability, and attention to detail.
The different time zones, languages, and cultures were never a barrier; the time zone difference proved advantageous, and the universal language of software engineering bridged any cultural or linguistic gaps. Taraba truly felt like an extension of our team, and their professionalism in handling challenges, especially in the QA process, ensured I never had to dedicate unnecessary worry.
The role of a QA team is to act as a gatekeeper, maintaining the standard and ensuring excellence. Taraba excelled in this regard, tactfully and effectively communicating when standards were met and when they weren't. Their approach was impeccable in all our endeavors, from onboarding to tackling technical challenges.
I never had to second guess our QA process; it was always in the best hands. I can't recommend the Taraba team enough to anyone considering a QA team, especially an offshore one. In this business and any future ventures, I will always equate QA with Taraba."
CEO @ Kronologic
"Working with Taraba was a great experience, I will talk a bit about it on two topics which are professionalism and social.
First, professionally, we are a graphic design studio from Switzerland, and we focus our work on type and editorial design. We asked Taraba to help us create our website, mainly showing our work and selling our typeface and books. That was the first time we made a website and webshop like that, which was way bigger than anything we could expect.
Fortunately, Milomir was full of great advice and competencies to fulfill our wishes. The work he has done is sharp and accurate, considering the complexity of the website we asked for, and we are very grateful and more than happy with the result.
Socially, we are also really grateful for the understanding and patience of the Taraba team. As explained before, this was the very first time we worked on such a complex website; therefore, I must admit we were a little messy and not that well organized for everything we needed to do.
Thank Milomir, Borivoje, and others from the Taraba team for their excellent understanding, patience, and sympathy. We can only warmly recommend working with them; they will satisfy you much more than you can expect. Once again, we thank warmly Milomir, who we consider a good friend."
Cofounder @ Quadraat
Working with the team at Taraba has been like they are already part of our company. They have a talented team that helped us accomplish our diverse goals and needs... and on time.
We are grateful to Taraba for helping us launch our solution and can recommend them for any custom design work.
Founder & CEO @ Finology
I had the privilege of working with the Taraba team, and I can confidently say that my experience with them has been unlike any other. What truly sets them apart from other development teams is their exceptional management and how they operate their business.
From the very beginning, the Taraba team made me feel like we were part of the same team, working together seamlessly towards our goals. It wasn't just a client-vendor relationship but a partnership where their success was intertwined with ours.
One of the most impressive aspects of working with Taraba was their unwavering commitment to delivering on time without compromising quality. Their dedication to excellence permeated every aspect of our collaboration, from consulting and QA testing to product development and project management. I never had to worry about missed deadlines or subpar work because Taraba consistently exceeded my expectations.
What truly sets Taraba apart is its long-term vision and solid strategic approach. They don't just focus on short-term gains; they genuinely care about the success and sustainability of their clients' projects. Our relationship continued to thrive even after the software was delivered, and they remained a valuable partner in our journey.
I wholeheartedly recommend Taraba to anyone searching for a development team with a profound commitment to quality, on-time delivery, and a vision for long-term success. They are a rare gem in the world of software development, and I'm grateful for the outstanding partnership we've built together.
Founder & CEO @ Cognizium
From the initial contact, where they generously add a lot of experience-based inputs to your project, through the transparent and two-way collaboration during the project execution to friendly monitoring and support after they deliver the output - the Taraba team has been a true pleasure to work with and a very professional partner.
CEO @ Product District
We started our collaboration with Taraba in 2019 when we decided to present the work of one of the oldest institutes of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts - the Ethnographic Institute of SASA - to a wide range of digital users following new trends and world standards.
At that time, we tasked Taraba's programmers with designing and implementing our institution's website to be exceptionally user-friendly and functional while also being modern and visually striking. The team of young experts fully met our expectations, and today, our institution can boast a website that meets the highest quality criteria.
The fact that the employees at Taraba are incredibly cooperative, always available for technical support, and ready to propose new ideas and solutions has resulted in us continuing our collaboration with them in the future, much to our great satisfaction.
Project Manager @ Institute of Ethnography SASA
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