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Rame uz rame sa preduzetnicama koje su mame [Side by Side with Entrepreneurial Moms]

Rame uz rame sa preduzetnicama koje su mame [Side by Side with Entrepreneurial Moms]

1 minute reading 14.10.2022.

English text is lower in the page

Pozivamo sve građane i građanke da se pridruže svojim potpisom 53.615 potpisnika i potpisnica peticije “I preduzetnice su mame”. Hajdemo zajedno da se izborimo da sve mame preduzetnice u Srbiji imaju jednaka prava kao mame u radnom odnosu! Preduzetništvo je temelj svake zdrave ekonomije i ekonomskog napretka, a inovacijama preduzetnici i preduzetnice svakodnevno utiču na naš život, olakšavaju ga i čine ga kvalitetnijim. Kao društvo smo davno prerasli ograničenja kad je preduzetništvo bilo ekskluzivno rezervisano za muškarce i kada je ženama bilo onemogućeno da imaju karijeru. Ipak, u 2022. godini, preduzetnice su nepravednim zakonima, umesto podsticaja da imaju porodicu, primorane da biraju između deteta i posla, dok im se serviraju parole poput “dosta reči nek zakmeči” i “rađaj ne odgađaj”. Lek za nepravdu je solidarnost. Zajedno sa Digitalnom zajednicom izborimo se da ispravimo nepravdu prema svim preduzetnicama koje su mame. Zahtevi inicijative su razumni i pravedni, podržimo ih:

  • Ukinuti zamrzavanje firme kao uslov za dobijanje pune naknade, a ne 50% naknade, za vreme trudničkog odsustva.
  • Pravično obračunavati naknade zarade za preduzetnice kako bi u toku porodiljskog odustva sa rada, radi nege deteta, imale uplaćene doprinose za obavezno socijalno osiguranje.
  • Obezbediti pravo na zagarantovanu naknadu u visini minimalne zarade tokom porodiljskog odsustva tj. do detetovog trećeg meseca života, koje se po zakonu ženama koje su zaposlene plaća.
  • Produžiti pravo na odsustvo mama preduzetnica sa rada, radi nege trećeg i svakog narednog deteta, sa godinu dana na dve godine, kao što je regulisano zakonom za zaposlene majke.
  • Omogućiti pravo prenosa odsustva radi nege deteta na partnera za sve mame preduzetnice, kao što je predviđeno zakonom za sve zaposlene žene.


Text in English

We invite all citizens to join the 53,615 signatories of the petition "Entrepreneurial Moms Too". Let's fight together to ensure that all mom entrepreneurs in Serbia have equal rights as moms in employment! Entrepreneurship is the foundation of a healthy economy and economic progress, and entrepreneurs, both men and women, daily influence our lives with innovations that make it easier and better. As a society, we have long outgrown the limitations when entrepreneurship was exclusively reserved for men and women were prevented from having a career. However, in 2022, female entrepreneurs are forced to choose between their child and their business due to unfair laws, while being served slogans like "Enough words, give birth" and "Give birth, don't postpone". Solidarity is the remedy for injustice. Let's fight together with the Digital Community to correct the injustice towards all entrepreneurial moms. The initiative's demands are reasonable and fair, let's support them:

  • Abolish the freezing of the company as a condition for receiving full compensation, instead of 50% compensation, during maternity leave.
  • Calculate the wage compensation fairly for female entrepreneurs so that they have paid contributions for mandatory social insurance during their maternity leave for child care.
  • Ensure the right to a guaranteed allowance equal to the minimum wage during maternity leave, up to the child's third month of life, which is paid to employed women by law.
  • Extend the right to leave for mom entrepreneurs for child care from one year to two years, like the law regulates for employed mothers.
  • Allow the transfer of leave for child care to partners for all mom entrepreneurs, as provided by law for all employed women.
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